
Business news without the bullshit

How much is too much?

Senator Warren asks the question
and gets no answer

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No limits to bank criminality

Warren asked the government's own experts on banking law enforcement what it would take to shut down a criminal bank.

She received no answer.

HSBC has been engaged in money laundering for terrorist organizations, profiting off of the worst kinds of war criminals, and no one went to jail.

This is from March 7, 2013, Warren's had a Q-and-A on the Banking Committee -- a hearing entitled "Patterns of Abuse: Assessing Bank Secrecy Act Compliance and Enforcement."

Here were the witnesses:
David Cohen, Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, United States Department of the Treasury;
Thomas Curry, Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency;
Jerome H. Powell, Governor, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.