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When billionaires get fleeced

Plus a clip from "Inside Job"

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"It's a Wall Street government"

And even billionaires get burned...

Jim Clark co-founded Silicon Graphics which changed how computers were used.

Then he co-founded Netscape which put the World Wide Web on the map.

Wall Street, in the form of Goldman Sachs, contributed by lightening his wallet.

It's an old story. Many successful entrepreneurs who've made real contributions to the economy have ended up fleeced by Wall Street.

It's hard to believe when you're on the other side of the divide, but it is just as hard - maybe harder - to hold onto it than make it and one of the biggest hazards to those with savings are bankers and "wealth managers."

Ironically Clark wanted to start a "wealth management" firm for the masses in 2000 because so many people were getting newly rich. Wall Street took care of that problem too.