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Out of control fraud

It is distinctly possible that as bad as things seem to informed viewers, they are in fact much, much worse.

It is starting to look to me that the financial system in the US - the Fed, big banks, the government - has reached a point of corruption so profound that there is no pulling out of it.

The plane is heading nose down and it's only a matter of time before it hits the ground. In other words, we are effectively "dead" and just don't know it.

As concerning is the fact that it appears that everyone in the system has bought into the fraud.

For example, I used to admire Warren Buffett. Now it's pretty clear that he's received his "price" (free access to the Fed spigot) and he's going to do what every other elite in the system is doing: going along, shutting up, and stealing whatever can be stolen that isn't nailed down.

Will the courts step in and save us? You know, actually require that the law of the land be followed and fraudulent documents be rejected and the fraudsters jailed.

Unfortunately, I think not for two reasons:

1. Judicial corruption is every bit as deep as corruption in other elements of our society

2. Obama and Congress are working to pass laws that essentially pardon everyone involved in the real estate lending fraud from top to bottom. They're doing this by trying to change laws after the fact.

Assuming we can throw these people out, where are we going to find people with intelligence and integrity to rebuild what by any standard is a severely damaged structure?

The same scum that has been looting the country has also been in charge of the business schools training the new generation...Columbia University and Harvard University being the most extreme examples of academic corruption.

By the way, why is this being dragged out as long as possible?

Statute of limitations...If they waste enough time in confronting the criminality, the ability to prosecute evaporates.